No computers or robots used in the distillation process.

A custom-made Bavarian beauty is the heart of our distillery.


tools of the trade

Our hand-made wood-burning pot still was custom made in Germany and assembled here in our renovated barn. It is the work horse of the distillery. After lighting the fire, we begin a process of producing spirits that was used several hundred years ago.

All alcohol is produced through on-site fermentation of our fruit and honey, supplemented by produce from local farms. Cooling water for the stills, as well as water for blending spirits, is gravity fed from Willard Mountain springs. The spent fruit mash and waste fruit are provided to local pig farmers.

Through research and numerous taste tests, each product is developed without compromise. Luckey Spirits is dedicated to capturing unique fruit aromas in our handcrafted spirits, turning acres of our rare heirloom apple trees into a world-class brandy, right up there with the great apple brandies of France.

frederick luckey